" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soy Goodness

While flicking through a gossip magazine on a lazy Sunday morning overlooking the Indian Ocean, I read an interesting article about soy bean. The article explains how a diet full of soy is very effective for those who want to shed a few kilos. Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow all swear by it.

Low in fat, high in protein, and packed with calcium and magnesium, soy bean apparently can help reduce stomach fat, and while combined with caffeine, it even increase the rate your body burns fat. Now I am excited!

Women are constantly battling with their weight. Well, at least I used to. Growing up in a big city like Jakarta where tall gorgeous skinny women are everywhere, filling the trendiest restaurants and nightclubs in town, I longed to have a 168 cm-48 kg body, which is kind of impossible given the fact that my height only reaches 157 cm and I happened to have a sweet tooth. Nevertheless, I went through every diets and exercise regimes that promise Giselle Bundchen’s figure that I always dreamt of. From joining a gym and did body combat classes four times a week, to a strict carbohydrates diet (don’t even try), and to the extreme of the-water-only diet, which only last four days and left me too weak to do anything.

At one point, I made peace with my body, and learn to accept it as it is. No more diets, no more hard exercises. Though, after reading that article about soy bean, I couldn’t help but ordered a soy hot chocolate over lunch. If the combination of soy milk and chocolate can work wonder to my figure, I’ll be damn happy. If it doesn’t, I wouldn’t be too disappointed, because as far as I'm concerned, the sweetness of chocolate, combined with the smooth creamy taste of soy milk, is pure heaven…


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hunting at two dollars and 50 cents.

At $2.50 - what sort of decent things can you get from a shop? And this does not include a chocolate bar or some kind of funky snacks from the Deli. Call me lucky when i walked past diva today, the window screams: BIG SALE! I saw people were getting a little out of control there. Within a minute or 2, I found quite a few bits and pieces of adorable stuff at this low price - each cost for only $2.50. I was so tempted to buy more. But I have made a deal to my self - only buy things that i truly will wear. Forget about how cheap the rest of those unnecessary items or else I might end up piling some junks again. So I quickly head to the checkout and went home.

Overall experienced: guiltless =D.



A Mid Summer Day's Dream

Every year, millions of Australian celebrate Aussie Day on the 26th of January, and those who are lucky enough to have a day off work will pack their bathers, jump into the car, and drive along the coastline to fill every beach in Australia.

I, one of the lucky few, also did the same. After phoning L, my old friend from high school, we drove to Cottesloe Beach on a Tuesday morning and boy, it was jam-packed! Even before 10 am.

After finding a shady area (my request) it didn’t take long for L to leap into the turquoise water, and as for me, I was quite happy to sit under the shade with my big sunglasses and an even bigger hat, reading my favourite novel. It was one of those perfect days, with a perfect weather, perfect spot, and perfect companion.

And it didn’t just stop there. By lunchtime, L and I managed to score an outdoor table at Indiana Tea House, Cottesloe’s most famous dining place. I always love the restaurant’s Moroccan influence, with its big cushions, beautiful drapes, and French doors that open to an outdoor area, complete with an ocean view. With great food, great view, and great conversation, who needs a man? =)

Although I was down that night with a terrible headache due to too much sun exposure, I was utterly and deliriously happy. So content that we are planning to pay another visit to Cottesloe the following week. This time, I will bring my sister (that was stuck working yesterday, poor thing), and a few more friends. Afterall we need to make the most of Summer, before the leaves turn yellow and then it will be too cold to read at my favourite spot in Cottesloe’s white sandy beach...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Trash or treasure?

I was about to clean up my room when I spotted something under my bed. it was a box - red rectangular box. it looks kinda familiar. So out of curiosity I open it and guess what i found? my diaries. my so called 'treasure'. A whole lot of them.

I flicked through each of them. they were full of scribbles here and there, both neat and messy hand writing, it clearly shows how much emotion i put when i wrote down every single thing. There were no blank pages left. I was pretty stunned. I mean, I cant even remember the last time i owned a proper one. I guess that must've happen ages ago...I had one last year but i never got to finished what i have started. My last diary got abandoned most of the time. I was too busy with my own thing. besides i never had any luck with a diary anyway, i think it was karma since i used to read my sister's diary long time ago (she almost killed me when she finally finds out) hahaha... sorry sis =p, lesson learned tho. It was the start of serial bad luck. A group of cousins found my first diary on the table and they grouped read it! hell embarrassing! by the end of year 12 someone stole my school bag with all my belongings including my 6th diary which only got a page left!(grrr..) and lastly don't really want to talk about it. But someone apparently reads my diary(again!?). and that's the end of it. A treasure ended up being a total trash.

ps: I didnt end up cleaning my room, instead i spend the day reading all my diaries, it was funny and full of dramas. But i won't bother writing a diary anymore. seriously. had enough of them...



Monday, January 25, 2010

Balthazar, Made to Perfection

Hidden in the busy street of The Esplanade is Balthazar, a small yet sophisticated restaurant. The building is so classic and concealed that although I drive past the street nearly every day on the way to work, I never notice its existence. After reading some mixed reviews online, I decided to give it a try. So on one hot and sticky summer night, me and two of my close friends (Let’s call them Miss A and Madame E) organized a ladies night out to Balthazar.

When I entered the building, I was transported to a different world that oozes old glamour. Gone were the hectic rush hour traffic and noisy roadwork outside. With soft lighting and soothing music, the interior is a mixed of modern and classic touch, just an ambiance that I needed after a stressful day at work.

We shared Balthazar’s special tasting plate for a starter, and for main, I ordered their duck dish, which was define. It was tender, soft, and just melted in your mouth. As the night grew late, the air got more intimate. People leaned towards each other more, laughed their heads off, and talked animatedly to their spouses, friends, and colleagues.

We finished the night with delicious desserts that contain my favourite crème brulee, and ever-so-perfect chocolate and cherry tart. It was a bliss. The chocolate and cherry tart even managed to inspire Miss A to do a DIY version of it the following week.

Overall, it was a night to remember. Sure we can’t do these fine-dining outings every week (or else it will have to start interfere with my shopping budget which I am not ready to give up just yet), but I wouldn’t mind coming here again for my birthday, and my mum’s birthday, and my sister’s birthday the following year.
