" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Trash or treasure?

I was about to clean up my room when I spotted something under my bed. it was a box - red rectangular box. it looks kinda familiar. So out of curiosity I open it and guess what i found? my diaries. my so called 'treasure'. A whole lot of them.

I flicked through each of them. they were full of scribbles here and there, both neat and messy hand writing, it clearly shows how much emotion i put when i wrote down every single thing. There were no blank pages left. I was pretty stunned. I mean, I cant even remember the last time i owned a proper one. I guess that must've happen ages ago...I had one last year but i never got to finished what i have started. My last diary got abandoned most of the time. I was too busy with my own thing. besides i never had any luck with a diary anyway, i think it was karma since i used to read my sister's diary long time ago (she almost killed me when she finally finds out) hahaha... sorry sis =p, lesson learned tho. It was the start of serial bad luck. A group of cousins found my first diary on the table and they grouped read it! hell embarrassing! by the end of year 12 someone stole my school bag with all my belongings including my 6th diary which only got a page left!(grrr..) and lastly don't really want to talk about it. But someone apparently reads my diary(again!?). and that's the end of it. A treasure ended up being a total trash.

ps: I didnt end up cleaning my room, instead i spend the day reading all my diaries, it was funny and full of dramas. But i won't bother writing a diary anymore. seriously. had enough of them...



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