" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Mid Summer Day's Dream

Every year, millions of Australian celebrate Aussie Day on the 26th of January, and those who are lucky enough to have a day off work will pack their bathers, jump into the car, and drive along the coastline to fill every beach in Australia.

I, one of the lucky few, also did the same. After phoning L, my old friend from high school, we drove to Cottesloe Beach on a Tuesday morning and boy, it was jam-packed! Even before 10 am.

After finding a shady area (my request) it didn’t take long for L to leap into the turquoise water, and as for me, I was quite happy to sit under the shade with my big sunglasses and an even bigger hat, reading my favourite novel. It was one of those perfect days, with a perfect weather, perfect spot, and perfect companion.

And it didn’t just stop there. By lunchtime, L and I managed to score an outdoor table at Indiana Tea House, Cottesloe’s most famous dining place. I always love the restaurant’s Moroccan influence, with its big cushions, beautiful drapes, and French doors that open to an outdoor area, complete with an ocean view. With great food, great view, and great conversation, who needs a man? =)

Although I was down that night with a terrible headache due to too much sun exposure, I was utterly and deliriously happy. So content that we are planning to pay another visit to Cottesloe the following week. This time, I will bring my sister (that was stuck working yesterday, poor thing), and a few more friends. Afterall we need to make the most of Summer, before the leaves turn yellow and then it will be too cold to read at my favourite spot in Cottesloe’s white sandy beach...


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