" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soy Goodness

While flicking through a gossip magazine on a lazy Sunday morning overlooking the Indian Ocean, I read an interesting article about soy bean. The article explains how a diet full of soy is very effective for those who want to shed a few kilos. Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow all swear by it.

Low in fat, high in protein, and packed with calcium and magnesium, soy bean apparently can help reduce stomach fat, and while combined with caffeine, it even increase the rate your body burns fat. Now I am excited!

Women are constantly battling with their weight. Well, at least I used to. Growing up in a big city like Jakarta where tall gorgeous skinny women are everywhere, filling the trendiest restaurants and nightclubs in town, I longed to have a 168 cm-48 kg body, which is kind of impossible given the fact that my height only reaches 157 cm and I happened to have a sweet tooth. Nevertheless, I went through every diets and exercise regimes that promise Giselle Bundchen’s figure that I always dreamt of. From joining a gym and did body combat classes four times a week, to a strict carbohydrates diet (don’t even try), and to the extreme of the-water-only diet, which only last four days and left me too weak to do anything.

At one point, I made peace with my body, and learn to accept it as it is. No more diets, no more hard exercises. Though, after reading that article about soy bean, I couldn’t help but ordered a soy hot chocolate over lunch. If the combination of soy milk and chocolate can work wonder to my figure, I’ll be damn happy. If it doesn’t, I wouldn’t be too disappointed, because as far as I'm concerned, the sweetness of chocolate, combined with the smooth creamy taste of soy milk, is pure heaven…


1 comment:

  1. Highly recommended for all the soy milk lover (and for all the soy milk seller too...hahahaha)

    I trully surprised that soy milk has many benefits in it...and i do want to try to combine the soy milk with chocolate, even with my own creation, ;p hehehe
