" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday sensations

I love Sunday. Love the fact that I don’t have to wake up early to go to work, the general good mood that people seems to possess on a Sunday, and most importantly, the extended breakfast.

Since dad is in Melbourne and mum is off to Singapore, Eve and I head down to Sensations en Ardross in the neighborhood for a casual breakfast, or so we thought. We seems to forget that “the neighborhood” turns into a completely different atmosphere on Sunday, with beautiful people wearing summer dresses and gladiator sandals, sipping cappuccino with a copy of The West Australian spread in front of them. And sure enough, Eve and I both look out of place, with our T-shirt, trainers, and glasses (we just prayed that we wouldn’t bump into someone we know).

After ordering two soy mikshakes and two breakfast special (that’s right- with bacon, poach eggs, sautéed mashrooms, and grilled tomatoes), we settled in a table outside, and busied ourselves with our favourite reads. Me with my Jane Green novel, Eve with her design magazines.

Although we do feel slightly guilty due to the amount of breakfast we ate, there is no substitute to the serene feeling of reading outside a café on a sunny Sunday morning. However surely Eve and I have learnt our lesson and next time we do Sunday breakfast, we will do it in style…


Honey, honey how you thrill me!

Body shop's honey and oat meal face mask how i love love LOVE this product! question is: how can you not? I bought this a few weeks ago, you know just the usual me being a little random, thought I needed some kind of facial scrub to exfoliate my skin - and what a perfect surprise, i found this in body shop one of my favourite shop. The good thing about this product is: it contains all natural ingredients and smells absolutely beautiful (honey and oat meal...totally heaven!) Recommended to use twice a week - no more than that except if you have a very oily skin then 3x a week is acceptable. 
Applied gently to your face by spreading the mask on to cleansed (dry) skin. Build the thickness all over your face (as long as it covers all area) prevent eyes and lips of course. Wait for about 20 minutes for the mask to dry up. It wont dried up as a clay. so don't panic. Once dry, rinse with warm water followed by cold water and pat dry with a clean fresh towel!
I have been using this twice a week and my skin feels way smoother than before. I feel like I got rid of my dead skin cells...hmmm....pretty good huh? 
Just like the song by ABBA:
" Honey, honey how you thrill me ah-hah honey honey..." 


Friday, February 19, 2010

Hail Mary, full of Greece

When I think of Greece, I think about white buildings against the deep blue ocean in the island of Santorini, the many great mythologies that I read when I was little, and of course, Greek food- delicious souvlaka, and fresh seafood platters.

After craving for Greek food for so long, I found this little gem called “George’s Meze” over the internet, and decided to come there for a catch-up dinner with two of my close friends from university, Mey and Mel.

The restaurant is somehow hidden behind the main street of Subiaco, and although it looks small on the outside, it is actually quite spacious inside, and the place has tables positioned throughout the garden with water fountain that is perfect on a hot summer night. Overall, nice ambiance…

We were overwhelmed by the numerous selections in the menu, making it difficult to decide what to have. At the end, Mel ordered a Greek spiced chicken dish, as Mey went for a more traditional dish of lamb souvlaka, and I settled with mussels pilaf.

The foods arrived and they were unbelievable. This got to be the most delicious mussels pilaf that I have ever taste. The mussels were seasoned and cooked perfectly, and the pilaf was just amazing. I took a bite at Mey’s lamb souvlaka (and I am not usually a fan of lamb dish), and it was tender and juicy. Mel’s spiced chicken was doing well too. The chicken was panned-fried with honey-glazed butternut pumpkin, Spanish onion, baby spinach, and fresh chilli- heavenly.

In short, we were impressed, and I am already planning a second visit to George’s Meze. The place has officially became my favourite dining-out place in Perth, and next time, I make sure I bring more people, then I will have an excuse to order that extra moussaka…


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Old and New

I was looking at my old pump ballet flats, contemplating whether to throw it away or kept it. 
I mean, I'm not a keeper my self and it certainly looks kinda worn out. 
What makes it so hard to get rid of was the fact that they are made out of good soft leather, and unbelievably comfortable. After a series of yes and no questions I came up with a solution in the hope to make my old shoes a little bit like cinderella story, turn the frumpy look into some kind of bling and fabulous and hopefully change its 'boring look' for good without curfew.
So here is a little bit of my secret on how to make the ordinary a little extra:
Add some nice embellishments to go on to your old things. Brooches are one of great example.
Find the one that match yours (consider the colour, shape, and style) and place it to preference spot! and TADAAA... you get a new look within seconds!

ps: Just before you throw anything out of your sight, look at it's condition. Items that has a big hole, or falling apart and are too impossible to be fix can go straight to the bin, same goes with anything that smells horribly bad. I'm sorry, but there is no cure to such condition, so ditch them out!
Anything that is classic or vintage, comfortable and "so you" can still be kept. 
You must not forget that fashion comes back anytime. So think twice before you make a new room - only to find out you are repeating the trend again. A complete disaster and a waste of freakin' money. 
As of my ballet flats? I still wear them everywhere to work and play. Overall, I saved a few bucks! Best decision ever...


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Before Sunrise

I first watched Before Sunrise back in my teens and remembered how I was mesmerized by the film, even though at that time I was too young to understand half of the dialog in there. Aside from walking and talking, the plot is very minimal, however it is the conversations that drew me in.

Revolving around self-fulfillment and self-discovery, the film starts when a young American boy, Jesse, met Celine, a French university student, on a train from Budapest. After spending one day in Vienna, Jesse and Celine became attracted to each other, but the timing wasn’t quite right since Jesse has to go back to the US, and Celine is due to attend her new semester. Instead of swapping phone numbers and address, they do the unthinkable: they decided not to maintain any contacts at all, leave everything to faith, and made a promise to meet each other again at the same place in six months. The film ends with a scene as Celine embarked in a train to Paris, leaving a big question with the audience, on whether or not they will see each other again in six months.

What I love most about this film is the unresolved ending, where audiences are forced to think and finish the story, based on their beliefs. Cynics will argue that Jesse and Celine will never meet again, because in reality it seems unlikely, however, those Romantic bunch will always believe that those two will meet again eventually, if not in the next six months, then perhaps in the foreseeable future.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tried and Tested

If there is one thing that goes beyond my control, it would be my curiosity to try on beauty products. In my entire life, I have been one hell of a lab rat - trying millions of different products only to find the best result. 
This week for instance: I am desperate to find a conditioner to replace my old ones. (And no, I don't intend to use the same brand as before)
So in search of the new conditioner, I went to priceline - one of the most convenient pharmacy in the city and browse around every section. After spending hours wondering from one aisle to another, I found a range of palmer's product on one of the shelf. While reading whatever written on the back of the product, there goes my curiosity to try and put this brand to the test. So to start off, I bought a Palmer's coconut oil conditioner to try. 

Result: hair feels smooth, shiny and bouncy. Love this product..well except that you will smells like coconut for a day or two..my sister cant stand the smells.. hahaha...but Im okay with it - well, at least they did deliver some promising result. and was proven. I might as well get the shampoo on my next visit...
