" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tried and Tested

If there is one thing that goes beyond my control, it would be my curiosity to try on beauty products. In my entire life, I have been one hell of a lab rat - trying millions of different products only to find the best result. 
This week for instance: I am desperate to find a conditioner to replace my old ones. (And no, I don't intend to use the same brand as before)
So in search of the new conditioner, I went to priceline - one of the most convenient pharmacy in the city and browse around every section. After spending hours wondering from one aisle to another, I found a range of palmer's product on one of the shelf. While reading whatever written on the back of the product, there goes my curiosity to try and put this brand to the test. So to start off, I bought a Palmer's coconut oil conditioner to try. 

Result: hair feels smooth, shiny and bouncy. Love this product..well except that you will smells like coconut for a day or two..my sister cant stand the smells.. hahaha...but Im okay with it - well, at least they did deliver some promising result. and was proven. I might as well get the shampoo on my next visit...


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