" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Old and New

I was looking at my old pump ballet flats, contemplating whether to throw it away or kept it. 
I mean, I'm not a keeper my self and it certainly looks kinda worn out. 
What makes it so hard to get rid of was the fact that they are made out of good soft leather, and unbelievably comfortable. After a series of yes and no questions I came up with a solution in the hope to make my old shoes a little bit like cinderella story, turn the frumpy look into some kind of bling and fabulous and hopefully change its 'boring look' for good without curfew.
So here is a little bit of my secret on how to make the ordinary a little extra:
Add some nice embellishments to go on to your old things. Brooches are one of great example.
Find the one that match yours (consider the colour, shape, and style) and place it to preference spot! and TADAAA... you get a new look within seconds!

ps: Just before you throw anything out of your sight, look at it's condition. Items that has a big hole, or falling apart and are too impossible to be fix can go straight to the bin, same goes with anything that smells horribly bad. I'm sorry, but there is no cure to such condition, so ditch them out!
Anything that is classic or vintage, comfortable and "so you" can still be kept. 
You must not forget that fashion comes back anytime. So think twice before you make a new room - only to find out you are repeating the trend again. A complete disaster and a waste of freakin' money. 
As of my ballet flats? I still wear them everywhere to work and play. Overall, I saved a few bucks! Best decision ever...


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