" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Mind Games

Human are constantly playing games. We play hide and seek when we were kids, and as adults, we are no strangers to games either. At workplace for instance, we carefully plan a strategy to bring the enemy down (one type of a game I would say), however the most complex and well known is no other than the dating games.

Dating in the 21st century is proven to be much more complicated than it used to be. With increasing number of single people in their 20s and 30s, dating scene is not just about finding the other half anymore. With so many choices, it is up to us to keep the other party interested.

One of my guy friend (just call him N), believes that in order to keep a guy interested, girls should never show too much interest in the first place, because guys love the thrill of the chase. This statement is supported by another friend of mine, miss S, who deliberately declined a guy six times. The result? She managed to keep the guy chased her (and only her) for seven whole months. Although I am not entirely agree with her way, I must say that is pretty impressive.

Miss S explained to me that she needed to do that to test how serious a guy is with her, and eliminate those who aren’t so serious (point taken). On the other side, N also shared a tip, that in order to get a girl that he wants, a guy also needs to keep his composure and doesn’t appear “too available”.

With all those complications, how will we know if a guy is genuinely interested or just want to have fun? Only time will tell, because as far as I believe, guys are pretty straight forward. If he wants to be with a girl, he will do something about it, with or without the games.

Love it or hate it, the games are there to play. And in order to survive, you need to master some tricks and understand the rules. Tired? Tell me about it. However in a big city like Jakarta where single, beautiful people are everywhere, learning a trick or two might not be such a bad idea afterall…


1 comment:

  1. very interesting post sis..i love the mind games and how it works. however, rejecting a guy (that i like) up to 6x is a bit too much for me. No offense to Miss S but what if u missed the chance?
    3x's good enough. Some guys handle rejection well and some just moved on because let's face it, being rejected by someone is humiliating enough and i dont know how she did it up to 6x. i have to admit it is somehow impressive but it doesn't always work.
    Men have their own ego and are pretty straight forward with things.
    sure if the guys is persistant and stubborn enough to be with you, you win but if it didn't happen doesn't mean that he is not serious. he was at that time and the girl who rejects him too many times blew it off. personally, I'd rather give the guy (who i like) a chance rather than beg him by heart to please come back and get me again.... =) but love love love this post!
