" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Age Factor

I often question myself on the subject of age when it comes to relationship and dating- Does age really matter? Interestingly, nine out of ten women that I asked said yes, age does matter, and nine out of ten men answered no to that same question.

For those men, their argument was that as long as the two of them are compatible, they don’t see why age should ever be a problem. I’ve seen a case where one of my close friends went out with a girl nine years his junior, and another guy friend of mine purposely hunt for older women, because according to him, older women are understanding, caring, and not so demanding.

As for my girls, almost all of them voted for older guys. This is probably something to do with the fact that women mature faster than men. Women need security and constant feeling of being loved, and according to my best friend Mrs A, only older guys can provide that, because younger guys generally have huge ego, selfish, and unpredictable.

Come to think of it, she does have a point; however I wouldn’t stick to that point of view and rule out the possibility of dating younger guys, because I’ve been with older as well as younger men, and trust me, sometimes the older one acts even less mature than the younger ones. I believe that character and upbringing play a bigger part more than age in a successful relationship, and after I mentioned it, most of my friends seemed to agree that age doesn't play such an important role afterall.

But how far will you go?

One of my good friends went to the extreme and is currently dating a guy twice her age. Shocking I know, but they look blissfully happy. As for myself, I do have my own limit. I don’t mind seeing a younger guy, but he needs not to be younger than my sister, because that is just intolerable.. =D


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