" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The X files

In most relationships, the time to say goodbye usually arrives at one point or another; unless you intend to walk down the aisle, of course.

With your ex, you've shared memories that will either make you laugh or cry, and it's time to take your experiences, put them in your back pocket and move on. But somewhere on the road of parting ways couples feel the need to promise to stay friends, which ultimately leads to more broken promises.

Regardless of the break up situation we’re in, here’s the big question:


It is likely that most couple who got out of a clean break up stage will say YES and those who are involved in some kind of drama will vote a BIG NO, full stop.

I personally never thought of the idea on remaining friends with any of my exes and was kinda curious of the outcomes. So when one ex offered to develop a friendship after all was said and done, I accepted and put it to the test one afternoon to meet up with him for our first coffee session. Result: although it's clear that we both have moved on with our life but somehow over a general convo we're still caught up in some kind of argument before we chose to end it by dropping the subject off. Overall, the whole catching up thing and the idea of "let's be friends" was probably not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying that people shouldn't keep in touch with their ex. That decision is entirely up to you. On the other hand, T one of my colleague has been friends with her ex for ages and confessed that it was the best decision ever. Now that she even consider him as one of her best friend and meet up with him once a week.

As far as Im concern, it is completely harmless to be friends with your ex as long as you live in present. Meaning both of you have moved on with your life,respect each other and decide what you can handle and comfortable with.

However, there may be a time when the friendship ends for good. Maybe you or your ex has gotten married. Or maybe you just don't have anything to talk about anymore. After all, not all friendships with exes last forever...



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