" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changing lanes

It's been about 3 months since I moved back to my hometown Jakarta; the city that never sleep and known as its hectic never ending traffic. To my surprise, settling down wasn't as hard as I've ever imagine. After unpacking several bits and pieces and renovating my so called "home office". I was back to my routine, only this time as a freelancer. Doing what I enjoy the most from graphics to interior.

Feeling excited everyday on what comes around the corner, a blissful weekend, unlimited time of family gathering, I couldn't help but wonder what a different lifestyle from what I had back in perth. No more monotone routine of 9 to 5 doing exact same thing everyday which left me exhausted on the weekend.
Okay, so in other words I was so bored to death that I grounded myself at home every weekend with stacks of dvds and all sorts of munchies.

This time tho, I was back socialising - meeting new people here and there; something I haven't done in ages. I knew i needed to get excited again, pumped that adrenaline up and explore! This was beyond my expectation though as Im beginning to love this city regardless of the heavy traffics, humid weather and slow services. Jakarta has owned me on the day I stepped down from the plane and breath the not so fresh air. I felt a slight relieved knowing that I will be fine to start a new life and hoping it'll work out eventually.

However on some days, I do have my doubts and often raised by unanswered questions like "Have I saved enough for the future? How can I earn more income to satisfy my wants and needs?" knowing that I wont be receiving a monthly salary like I used to back then. Sure it's not a pretty picture judging from the amount I spend and earned which goes a little extreme a.k.a imbalance. I no longer can splurge on whatever that catches my attention. Hard to start of with but I realised those were part of the consequences that I have to face as soon as I decided to pack my bags and settle down in Jakarta, I mean I knew this was going to happen. Very few who came back for good survived living in jakarta due to traffic, income, and several personal reasons then gave up within the next 3 to 6 months.

As for myself, I am open for opportunity. My plan was of course to settle down here but again things may change in the future. And I'll go with whatever my heart leads me, whether it's for a better living, career, love, situations... anything! because I believe anywhere is paradise and it's up to you to live it or move on. But if you happen to head to the wrong direction, remember God allows U-turn! =)


Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Attack of the 88 Troops

Perhaps due to age (I am no longer in my early twenties), or the fact that I now take ballet lesson every Saturday afternoon that left me exhausted afterwards, however in the past two months I have been spending my Saturday night in the comfort of my bed, with my laptop, DVD, and novel by my side. So when last Saturday I finally managed to force myself to get out of my comfort zone and made an effort to go out, I was astonished to see what I called “The attack of the 88 troops”.

Me and a group of friends were having dinner at Canteen, one of the hippest restaurant in Plaza Indonesia (mind you I had the best gnocchi in town!), when suddenly this group of young girls, not older than my brother (born in 1988) stormed in. Dressed head to toe in the latest fashion, carrying designer bags and wearing sky-high heels, these girls are ready for battle.

With these so-called “It” girls taking over Jakarta, no wonder there are plenty of single men in their 20s and 30s that are far from settling down. The older they get, the younger they seek. Is this the harsh reality or am I being too cynical?

One of my research victims, Mr N, said that what draws men to 21-22 year old girls are their beauty and youthfulness. Most girls in their early twenties are all about looking as pretty as possible right down to the colour of their toenails, while women in their thirties tend to let go and no longer care about their appearance.

As shallow as it may sound, I have to agree with some points that N made. Women can never ever let go their appearance completely. In fact, because we are not getting any younger, we have to put extra effort. I used to not caring much about skincare in my early twenties, but now my beauty regime consists of cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize.

But before you ring your doctor for a botox appointment, let’s see the bigger picture here. When a man is finally ready to settle down, he sees beyond beauty. A woman’s characters, brain, and manner become more important than beauty itself.

However men don’t fall in love with your inner beauty right away, physical attraction is still important; therefore it is essential for women to take a good care of their appearance, no matter how old they are. In fact, when a woman feels good about herself, her confidence level boost up, and that what makes a woman more attractive. Just like the famous phrase by Helena Rubinstein “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”


Monday, July 19, 2010

An old poem by anonymous

I've always loved a secondhand bookstore. The smell of an old book, those thick-heavy and hard covered heritage looking books and antique binding. Seriously vintage.
Who knew a trip to an old bookstore would end up in a so called treasure hunt. Hidden treasures are infact along the way! 
An old poem was found inside one of the book that I picked up randomly, As I read each lines, it made me thought how much this resembles of her. Yes, my sister Carol. This post is dedicated for you...

A sister is your guardian angel if she's older, 
and your constant shadow if she's younger.
She's your best friend in all your endeavours. 
Your confidant, protector of your heart,and secret keeper.
A sister can also be your enemy; you best adversary at times of fighting.

She keeps all of your secrets, even the tough ones. 
She's the one to tell you constantly how pretty you are, 
partly because you look similar in some ways. 
Your sister is the one to call when that one boy talks to you; 
especially when he decides to break your heart.
Also she's the first one vowing to beat him up if he breaks your heart.

Your sister is your mother at a younger age and you are hers. 
Not only is she your savior shall anything happen to you, 
she also knows what to do to make you feel better and wipe away the tears. 
A sister is your only friend when all others have walked out, 
especially when you need a friend the most. 
This is the person you shared your bedroom, 
and at any time when your body changes, 
the one whom you share clothes with.

She knows what makes you laugh, cry, 
and most times is the one to make you laugh and cry. 
She gives you a firm grasp of life 
and tells you how hard love is so you don't go in blind. 
She has the qualities of an angel and will never leave your side. 
She's the one who understands every personal event life throws at you, 
for she lost the same loved one you did. 
(copied from an old poem by anonymous.)

To me a sister is all of these qualities rolled into one. For I am the lucky one to have a big sister like her...=)


Sunday, June 20, 2010

The 10 days challenge

Winter has never been my favourite seasons of the year. Series of unpredictable weather, strong winds and heavy rain will somehow ruined my exercise plan and force me to curl up in bed to avoid any outdoor activity. The famous line will be something like this: "it's too cold to exercise". Well, it's half true though; it's almost impossible to exercise during this month of the year unless you happen to be an athlete or some kind of a gym junkie.

After a few whinge and complain about the winter body issue, I started looking for solution to stay healthy and shift those extra meat here and there as a result of winter pig out with the girls last weekend.
So without wasting anymore time, I surf the net and found an article about an effective winter workout: The hot yoga or in other terms called The Bikram Yoga.
This yoga style is so unique and performed in a 40 degree room temperature. It has 26 postures that will improve your health by detoxing, removing all the toxic from your body through sweat. I was so tempted to give it a go. So this morning I signed up for a 10 days introductory class and went for my first morning class at 8 am. As predicted, the room was heated and it was very challenging to stay in a 40 degree temperature while doing yoga for 90 minutes long! but I manage to survived till the end of the class while a quarter of the people in the class passed out and one person actually throw up during the workout. It was so intensed!
By the end of the class, I feel so refreshed and happy. I feel like I have achieved something, and it was all positive feelings especially knowing that I sweat like a pig and yes the journey will continue for another 9 days! wish me luck....


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ladies and the City

After months of waiting, finally “Sex and the City 2 “movie hit the cinema, and just like two years ago when the first movie came up, I watched it with Nat, S, and J. Only this time it’s J plus one, since J is now married. Nevertheless, it feels like the old time.

The plot took place two years after Carrie and Big tied the knot, and focused on their relationship after the “I do”. It is very refreshing to see the girls back in the big screen. Carrie, the ever so complex heroine, Miranda, the workaholic mother of one, Charlotte, the domestic goddess, and of course, daring Samantha who shows us that you could still look fabulous in your 50s.

What makes the plot more interesting is the reappearance of Aidan, Carrie’s ex boyfriend. Sex and the city’s fans (including myself) hold their breath as the two encountered in the middle of Abu Dhabi desert, and as Carrie struggles with her past and present relationship, Charlotte has to deal with her own fear of not being able to handle her kids, while Samantha got involved in a serious scandal that made the girls got banished from their dazzling Abu Dhabi’s suite.

Sex and the City 2 may not be as dramatic or as extravagant as the first movie, but Director Michael Patrick King certainly hasn’t lost his touch. With beautiful landscape, extraordinary fashion, and solid performance of our beloved Manhattan girls, watching this movie is like riding a magic carpet and entering the exotic world of Scheherazade and her tale of one thousand and one nights


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Precious Life

Yesterday morning after receiving a rather shocking news about the sudden loss of Nat’s mother, I was so devastated that I couldn’t do nor say anything for a good one hour, just staring blankly at my computer screen. It was a combination of grief and utterly disbelief, not only because Nat is one of my close friends, but because up to three days ago, her mum is still well and healthy.

This unexpected tragedy makes me think about life, and how one cannot predict what will happen to our journey in this world, but yet we still take things for granted, say hurtful things to people we love, and do things we might regret.

To imagine how someone’s life can changed overnight is both terrifying and startling at the same time, and to have your loved one taken away from you forever is unthinkable. People say that time heals every wound, but I wonder how many sleepless nights you have to endure before finally accepting the reality and moving on with life.

To live is an awfully big adventure. There are some things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

The X files

In most relationships, the time to say goodbye usually arrives at one point or another; unless you intend to walk down the aisle, of course.

With your ex, you've shared memories that will either make you laugh or cry, and it's time to take your experiences, put them in your back pocket and move on. But somewhere on the road of parting ways couples feel the need to promise to stay friends, which ultimately leads to more broken promises.

Regardless of the break up situation we’re in, here’s the big question:


It is likely that most couple who got out of a clean break up stage will say YES and those who are involved in some kind of drama will vote a BIG NO, full stop.

I personally never thought of the idea on remaining friends with any of my exes and was kinda curious of the outcomes. So when one ex offered to develop a friendship after all was said and done, I accepted and put it to the test one afternoon to meet up with him for our first coffee session. Result: although it's clear that we both have moved on with our life but somehow over a general convo we're still caught up in some kind of argument before we chose to end it by dropping the subject off. Overall, the whole catching up thing and the idea of "let's be friends" was probably not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying that people shouldn't keep in touch with their ex. That decision is entirely up to you. On the other hand, T one of my colleague has been friends with her ex for ages and confessed that it was the best decision ever. Now that she even consider him as one of her best friend and meet up with him once a week.

As far as Im concern, it is completely harmless to be friends with your ex as long as you live in present. Meaning both of you have moved on with your life,respect each other and decide what you can handle and comfortable with.

However, there may be a time when the friendship ends for good. Maybe you or your ex has gotten married. Or maybe you just don't have anything to talk about anymore. After all, not all friendships with exes last forever...

