" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The 10 days challenge

Winter has never been my favourite seasons of the year. Series of unpredictable weather, strong winds and heavy rain will somehow ruined my exercise plan and force me to curl up in bed to avoid any outdoor activity. The famous line will be something like this: "it's too cold to exercise". Well, it's half true though; it's almost impossible to exercise during this month of the year unless you happen to be an athlete or some kind of a gym junkie.

After a few whinge and complain about the winter body issue, I started looking for solution to stay healthy and shift those extra meat here and there as a result of winter pig out with the girls last weekend.
So without wasting anymore time, I surf the net and found an article about an effective winter workout: The hot yoga or in other terms called The Bikram Yoga.
This yoga style is so unique and performed in a 40 degree room temperature. It has 26 postures that will improve your health by detoxing, removing all the toxic from your body through sweat. I was so tempted to give it a go. So this morning I signed up for a 10 days introductory class and went for my first morning class at 8 am. As predicted, the room was heated and it was very challenging to stay in a 40 degree temperature while doing yoga for 90 minutes long! but I manage to survived till the end of the class while a quarter of the people in the class passed out and one person actually throw up during the workout. It was so intensed!
By the end of the class, I feel so refreshed and happy. I feel like I have achieved something, and it was all positive feelings especially knowing that I sweat like a pig and yes the journey will continue for another 9 days! wish me luck....


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