" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changing lanes

It's been about 3 months since I moved back to my hometown Jakarta; the city that never sleep and known as its hectic never ending traffic. To my surprise, settling down wasn't as hard as I've ever imagine. After unpacking several bits and pieces and renovating my so called "home office". I was back to my routine, only this time as a freelancer. Doing what I enjoy the most from graphics to interior.

Feeling excited everyday on what comes around the corner, a blissful weekend, unlimited time of family gathering, I couldn't help but wonder what a different lifestyle from what I had back in perth. No more monotone routine of 9 to 5 doing exact same thing everyday which left me exhausted on the weekend.
Okay, so in other words I was so bored to death that I grounded myself at home every weekend with stacks of dvds and all sorts of munchies.

This time tho, I was back socialising - meeting new people here and there; something I haven't done in ages. I knew i needed to get excited again, pumped that adrenaline up and explore! This was beyond my expectation though as Im beginning to love this city regardless of the heavy traffics, humid weather and slow services. Jakarta has owned me on the day I stepped down from the plane and breath the not so fresh air. I felt a slight relieved knowing that I will be fine to start a new life and hoping it'll work out eventually.

However on some days, I do have my doubts and often raised by unanswered questions like "Have I saved enough for the future? How can I earn more income to satisfy my wants and needs?" knowing that I wont be receiving a monthly salary like I used to back then. Sure it's not a pretty picture judging from the amount I spend and earned which goes a little extreme a.k.a imbalance. I no longer can splurge on whatever that catches my attention. Hard to start of with but I realised those were part of the consequences that I have to face as soon as I decided to pack my bags and settle down in Jakarta, I mean I knew this was going to happen. Very few who came back for good survived living in jakarta due to traffic, income, and several personal reasons then gave up within the next 3 to 6 months.

As for myself, I am open for opportunity. My plan was of course to settle down here but again things may change in the future. And I'll go with whatever my heart leads me, whether it's for a better living, career, love, situations... anything! because I believe anywhere is paradise and it's up to you to live it or move on. But if you happen to head to the wrong direction, remember God allows U-turn! =)


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