" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Friday, March 19, 2010

Long weekend getaway

air tickets? check
passport? check
ready to take off? absolutely!
Destination: Singapore!

After 5 hours flight of continuously waking up and sleepless night, me and my best friend arrived in the beautiful city of singapore. Early morning starvation attack lead us into this famous prata house located in upper thompson street for a quick breakfast consist of roti prata and teh tarik. foodwise?very satisfying! service wise?not so impressive. But it was the food that keep us coming back. Infact, if i could take it to the extreme, I wont mind eating this for the rest of my life! only I really dont need some extra meat playing around with my waistline right now. So i did my best to be good. Eat everything in moderation and burn them off by walking non stop around orchard road or known as the main shopping area.
I should say orchard road is a straight heaven for a heavy shopper like me. convenient location with all these alleys that leads you into one to another. I was lucky enough to be in singapore surrounded by BIG SALES sign everywhere,anywhere. Temptation was so high..how can u pass a bargain?? such a pretty top..or those gorgeous dresses..oh and look at that shoes!! a must have! Didn't even realize what we have bought, me and my best friend dragged our feet from shop to shop, carrying tons of shopping bags which were getting heavier by the end of day. Not to mention that we both were feeling super exhausted but neither of us were ready to come home knowing that we only get to spend 2 nights in singapore.

By the end of our trip, I have bought my self  3 pairs of new shoes, a set of stationaries,some beauty products and 2 beautiful dresses. As for my beloved best friend, she treated herself with an almost explode bag full of japanese snacks and hershey chocolates. The 3 days weekend trip turn out to be a food and shopping adventures with a very little sleep. We were so dead tired on the way back to Australia but the whole experience was super fun! Will definitely comeback for more treasure hunt.

Goodbye Singapore! we shall be back soon.


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