" All it takes is Faith and Trust " ~ Peter Pan

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Attack of the 88 Troops

Perhaps due to age (I am no longer in my early twenties), or the fact that I now take ballet lesson every Saturday afternoon that left me exhausted afterwards, however in the past two months I have been spending my Saturday night in the comfort of my bed, with my laptop, DVD, and novel by my side. So when last Saturday I finally managed to force myself to get out of my comfort zone and made an effort to go out, I was astonished to see what I called “The attack of the 88 troops”.

Me and a group of friends were having dinner at Canteen, one of the hippest restaurant in Plaza Indonesia (mind you I had the best gnocchi in town!), when suddenly this group of young girls, not older than my brother (born in 1988) stormed in. Dressed head to toe in the latest fashion, carrying designer bags and wearing sky-high heels, these girls are ready for battle.

With these so-called “It” girls taking over Jakarta, no wonder there are plenty of single men in their 20s and 30s that are far from settling down. The older they get, the younger they seek. Is this the harsh reality or am I being too cynical?

One of my research victims, Mr N, said that what draws men to 21-22 year old girls are their beauty and youthfulness. Most girls in their early twenties are all about looking as pretty as possible right down to the colour of their toenails, while women in their thirties tend to let go and no longer care about their appearance.

As shallow as it may sound, I have to agree with some points that N made. Women can never ever let go their appearance completely. In fact, because we are not getting any younger, we have to put extra effort. I used to not caring much about skincare in my early twenties, but now my beauty regime consists of cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize.

But before you ring your doctor for a botox appointment, let’s see the bigger picture here. When a man is finally ready to settle down, he sees beyond beauty. A woman’s characters, brain, and manner become more important than beauty itself.

However men don’t fall in love with your inner beauty right away, physical attraction is still important; therefore it is essential for women to take a good care of their appearance, no matter how old they are. In fact, when a woman feels good about herself, her confidence level boost up, and that what makes a woman more attractive. Just like the famous phrase by Helena Rubinstein “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”
